Becoming an Accredited Coaching Signatures Supervisor (ACSS)

About the ACSS Programme 
The ACSS programme is delivered either over five 1.5 x hour virtual sessions or 2 x half-days in person.

The ACSS programme is suitable for coach supervisors and experienced coach practitioners.  

There will be an opportunity to complete your own Coaching Signatures Profile® (CSP) and receive supervision feedback either prior to or during the programme.

As part of the programme, you are required to profile and deliver a coaching signatures supervision session to a client.

We work with both independent practitioners and corporate clients and will be pleased to explore any group training arrangements you may have.

Once accredited you will also automatically become a member our:

ACSS Supervision Community of Practice

sharing a passion and commitment to the ethos of supervision

The ACSS SCoP meet virtually at least twice a year to share experiences, resources and news in the wider practice of supervision and the different ways we use and benefit from the CSP and related resources.

We are a vibrant group who enjoy re-connecting with existing colleagues, meeting new members and generally putting the world of supervision to rights!

Please contact CSC Limited for more in-depth information. We’d be delighted to have a conversation with you.

About Patti Stevens, Founder & Managing Director

Patti Stevens founded the Coaching Supervision Consultancy Limited (CSC Ltd) in 2004 to meet the Professional Supervision requirements of practitioners working within the Coaching, Leadership, Consultancy, & People Development contexts.

Patti is Joint Co-Founder (2005) and Fellow of the Association for Professional Executive Coaching & Supervision (APECS) and a Companion of The Institute of Leadership and Management.

Throughout her professional work which began over 35 years ago, Patti’s professional training has been in organisational, coaching, counselling and supervision psychology.  Having gained extensive coaching, counselling and supervision experience both in the private & public sector, Patti works with many and varied corporate & private clients across all levels of organisational structure.

Whilst running the thriving CSC Ltd., over the past 24 years Patti has also been a Visiting Coaching Supervisor on the MA in Coaching & Mentoring Practice at Oxford Brookes University which she helped to develop & design & was part of the programme development team for the first Professional Doctorate in Coaching & Mentoring (DC&M) and the Postgraduate Certificate in Supervision for Coaching and Mentoring. She has developed & supervised Henley Coaches & Supervisors over a period of years at Henley Business School.

Through the professional  supervision relationship and by using The Coaching Signatures Profile® (CSP), Patti quality assures coaching provision by monitoring, evaluating and developing coaches, leaders, consultants & those involved in people development work to integrate & sustain both best practice and coaching performance delivery together with continuing personal professional development (CPPD).

Patti’s professional qualifications include; Diploma in Supervision for Coaching & Mentoring (Oxford Brookes University); MSc in Psychological Counselling & Psychotherapy (Roehampton, Surrey); Post-Graduate Diploma in Organisational Psychology & Psychiatry (Kings College, London); Diploma in Professional Coaching & Mentoring (OSC&M) and a BSc in Psychology (Brunel University) together with extensive continual CPPD learning.

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